"I Don't Have the Time" and Other L&D Myths
Welcome to the Talent Transformation Podcast where we talk about the techniques and technology of future-proofing your career and your business through continuous learning, reskilling, upskilling, and more.
I want to introduce you to Greg Sweeney.
Greg has been a leader in enterprise learning and development for more than 30 years. And he has some ideas on how to build effective training programs. Greg and I had an interesting discussion on TIME … specifically, on making the time investment needed to keep your enterprise organization healthy and competitive
Let’s learn.
You can find Greg Sweeney on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-sweeney-training/
The Talent Transformation Podcast is brought to you by StackFactor.ai … Complete, Enterprise-class Talent Transformation at the Speed of AI: https://stackfactor.ai